Geochemistry publications by year

2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2000 | 1999


Fairgray, M., Webster-Brown, J. & Pope, J. (2020). Testing geochemical predictions of trace element toxicity and bioavailability at a rehabilitated mine site. Mine Water and the Environment, 39, 75–92. DOI: 10.1007/s10230-019-00644-y.


Jewiss, C., Craw, D., Pope, J., Christenson, H. & Trumm, D. (2020). Dilution processes of rainfall-enhanced acid mine drainage discharges from historic underground coal mines, New Zealand. Mine Water and the Environment, 39, 27-41. DOI: 10.1007/s10230-019-00650-0.


Butler, S., Pope, J., Chaganti, S., Heath, D. & Weisener, C. (2019). Biogeochemical characterization of metal behavior from novel mussel shell bioreactor sludge residues. Geosciences, 9, 1, 50. DOI: 10.3390/geosciences9010050.


Uster, B., Milke, M., Webster-Brown, J., O'Sullivan, A., Pope, J. & Trumm, D. (2019). Effect of alkalinity source on mechanisms of iron, manganese and zinc removal from acid mine drainage by sulfate-reducing bioreactors. engrXiv, 3 December 2019. DOI:10.31224/


Christenson, H., Pope, J., Craw, D., Johns, J., Newman, N. & Trumm, D. (2018). Characterisation of arsenic geochemistry in mine tailings from a mesothermal gold deposit. In Wolkersdorfer, C., Sartz, L., Weber, A., Burgess, J. & Tremblay, G. (Eds.), Risk to Opportunity, Vol 2, (pp. 573-578). 11th ICARD | IMWA | MWD Conference. Pretoria, South Africa: ICARD.

Fairgray, M., Pope, J., Trumm, D. & Webster-Brown, J. (2018). Water chemistry changes in Cannel Creek following remedial work of Bellvue Mine AMD. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Meeting: Tauranga, pp. 361-362.

Kerr, G., Craw, D., Trumm, D. & Pope, J. (2018). Authigenic realgar and gold in dynamic redox gradients developed on historic mine wastes, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry, v. 97, p. 123-133.

Malloch, K., Petrov, P. & Weber, P. (2018). Mine drainage management - replicating dump physiogeochemical conditions in laboratory columns. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Conference: Tauranga, pp. 199-210.

McLachlan, C. & Craw, D. (2018). Environmental mineralogy and geochemistry of processing residues at Prohibition historic gold mine site, Waiuta, Westland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 61: 180-194.

Pope, J., Christenson, H., Gordon, K., Newman, N. & Trumm, D. (2018). Decrease in acid mine drainage release rate from mine pit walls in Brunner Coal Measures. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 61, p. 195-206.

Pope, J., Christenson, H., Gordon, K., Newman, N. & Trumm, D. (2018). Wall Wash Samples to Predict AMD Longevity at Coal Mines in New Zealand. In Wolkersdorfer, C., Sartz, L., Weber, A., Burgess, J. & Tremblay, G. (Eds.), Risk to Opportunity, Vol 1, (pp. 430-435). 11th ICARD | IMWA | MWD Conference. Pretoria, South Africa: ICARD.


Christenson, H., Pope, J., Craw, D., Johns, J. & Newman, N. (2017). Characterisation of arsenic geochemistry in mine tailings from a mesothermal Au deposit. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference: Christchurch.

Craw, D. & Kerr, G. (2017). Geochemistry and mineralogy of contrasting supergene gold alteration zones, southern New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry, 85, 19-34.

Craw, D., Kerr, G., Malloch, K. & McLachlan C. (2017). Storage of arsenic-rich gold mine tailings as future resources. In Wolkersdorfer, C., Sartz, L., Sillanpää, M. & Häkkinen, A. (Eds.) Proceedings, International Mine Water Association, IMWA 2017 (pp. 350-357). Lapeenranta, Finland: IMWA.

Craw, D. & Pope, J. (2017) Time-series monitoring of water–rock interactions in mine wastes, Macraes gold mine, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 60, 3, 159-175, DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2017.1307231

Kerr, G., Craw, D., Pope, J. & Trumm, D. (2017). Secondary arsenic and antimony sulfide deposition in surficial reductive microenvironments, Southern New Zealand. In: Proceedings of the 50th Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) New Zealand Branch Annual Conference.

Malloch, K., Craw, D. & Trumm, D. (2017). Arsenic mineralogy and distribution at the historic Alexander gold mine, Reefton goldfield, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 60, 2, 129-144, DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2017.1292924

Malloch, K. & Craw, D. (2017). Comparison of contrasting gold mine processing residues in a temperate rain forest, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry, 84, 61-75.

Malloch, K., Weber, P. & Olds, W. (2017). Acid and Metalliferous Drainage Potential of an Alluvial Gold Mine Operation. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference: Christchurch, pp. 154-163.

McLachlan, C. & Craw, D. (2017). Arsenic leaching of mine wastes from an historic gold mine. In: Proceedings of the 50th Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) New Zealand Branch Annual Conference.

Pope, J., Trumm, D., Dutton, A. & Christenson, H. (2017). Geochemistry for mine drainage predictions at the Te Kuha coal deposit. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference: Christchurch.

Tay, S., Scott, J. & Craw, D. (2017). Environmental geochemistry of historic mine tailings, Alexander Mine, Reefton. In: Proceedings of the 50th Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) New Zealand Branch Annual Conference.

Trumm, D., Pope, J., West, R. & Weber, P. (2017). Downstream geochemistry and proposed treatment - Bellvue Mine AMD, New Zealand. In Wolkersdorfer, C., Sartz, L., Sillanpää, M. & Häkkinen, A. (Eds.) Proceedings, International Mine Water Association, IMWA 2017 (pp. 580-587). Lapeenranta, Finland: IMWA.


Fairgray, M., Webster-Brown, J., Harding, J. & Waters, S. (2016). Geochemical modelling of metal toxicity in the Tui Mine catchment, Te Aroha, NZ. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Conference: Wellington, pp. 100-108.

Kerr, G., Trumm, D., Pope, J., Craw, D. & Haffert, L. (2016). Formation of arsenic sulphide in gold mine processing wastes, West Coast, New Zealand. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Conference: Wellington, pp. 173-182.

Malloch, K., Craw, D. & Trumm, D. (2016). The environmental legacy of historic gold mine processing in the Reefton Goldfield. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Conference: Wellington, pp. 233-242.

McLauchlan, C. & Craw, D. (2016). Characterisation of tailings at Prohibition Mine site, Waiuta, Westland. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Conference: Wellington, pp. 259-268.

Olds, W., Weber, P., Pope, J. & Pizey, M. (2016). Acid Mine Drainage analysis for the Reddale Coal Mine, Reefton, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Gelology and Geophysics, 59, 2, 341-351.

Pope, J., Christenson, H., Newman, N. & Gordon, K. (2016). Acid release decay curve for Brunner Coal Measures. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Conference: Wellington, pp. 342-348.

Pope, J., Weber, P. & Olds, W. (2016). Control of Acid Mine Drainage by managing oxygen ingress into waste rock dumps at bituminous coal mines in New Zealand. In Drebenstedt, C., and Paul, M., (Eds.), IMWA2016 Annual Conference (pp. 368-376). Leipzig: International Mine Water Association.

Trumm, D., Pope, J., West, R. & Weber, P. (2016). Bellvue Mine - downstream geochemistry and proposed treatment. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Conference: Wellington, pp. 419-429.

Special Edition of Mine Water and the Environment: Mine Water Research in New Zealand, Volume 34, Issue 4, December 2015

Kerr, G., Druzbicka, J., Lilly, K. & Craw, D. (2015). Jarosite Solid Solution Associated with Arsenic-Rich Mine Waters, Macraes Mine, New Zealand, Mine Water Research in New Zealand, Vol 34, Iss 4, Pgs 364-374. ISSN: 1025-9112 (Print) 1616-1068 (Online)

Kerr, G., Pope, J., Trumm, D. & Craw, D. (2015). Experimental Metalloid Mobilisation from a New Zealand Orogenic Gold Deposit, Mine Water Research in New Zealand, Vol 34, Iss 4, Pgs 404-416. ISSN: 1025-9112 (Print) 1616-1068 (Online)

Druzbicka, J. & Craw, D. (2015). Metalloid Attenuation from Runoff Waters at an Historic Orogenic Gold Mine, New Zealand, Mine Water Research in New Zealand, Vol 34, Iss 4, Pgs 417-429. ISSN: 1025-9112 (Print) 1616-1068 (Online)

Pope, J. & Trumm, D. (2015). Controls on Zn Concentrations in Acidic and Neutral Mine Drainage from New Zealand’s Bituminous Coal and Epithermal Mineral Deposits, Mine Water Research in New Zealand, Vol 34, Iss 4, Pgs 455-463. ISSN: 1025-9112 (Print) 1616-1068 (Online)

Other 2015 papers:

Baisley, A., O'Kane, M., Weber, P., Scott, P. & Pearce, S. (2015). A holistic framework for progressively constructing stable waste storage facilities. In: Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference. 1 Pg Abstract.

Dobchuk, B., Scott, P., Weber, P., Christensen, D. & Mhando, Y. (2015). Case study of Geita Gold Mine: An example of proactive AMD mitigation performance. In: Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference. 11Pgs.

Druzbicka, J. & Craw, D. (2015). Natural attenuation of extreme metalloid contents in historic mining residues, Big River Mine, NZ. AusIMM New Zealand branch Annual Meeting, Dunedin, pp. 91-100.

Malloch, K., Craw, D. & Trumm, D. (2015). Arsenic form and distribution at the historic Alexander gold processing site, West Coast. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Dunedin, pp. 241-250.

Olds, W., Bird, B., Pearce, J., Sinclair, E., Orr, M. & Weber, P. (2015). Geochemical classification of waste rock using process flow diagrams. AusIMM New Zealand Brance Conference, pp. 307-318.

Partridge, T., Craw, D., Pope, J. & Trumm, D. (2015). Temporal aspects of acid mine drainage on the West Coast, South Island, New Zealand. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Dunedin, pp. 319-329.

Pearce, S., Scott, P. & Weber, P. (2015). Waste rock dump geochemical evolution: Matching lab data, models and predictions with reality. In: Proceedings, 10th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage & IMWA Annual Conference. 11Pgs.

Pope, J., Trumm, D. & Craw, D. (2015). Zn in New Zealand Mine drainage - controls on concentration. AusIMM New Zealand Annual Branch Conference, Dunedin, pp. 365-374.

Weber, P., Olds, W., Bird, B. & Pearce, J. (2015). Forecasting long term water quality at closure for current mining operations. AusIMM New Zealand Annual Branch Conference, Dunedin, pp. 495-505.


Pope, J. & Trumm, D. (2014). New Zealand coal acid mine drainage - mineral control on acidity and downstream chemical evolution. 12th IMWA Congress Interdiciplinary Responce to Mine Water Challenges. IMWA: Xuzhou, p. 5.


Craw, D., Bartle, A., Fenton, J. & Henderson, S. (2013). Lithostratigraphy of gold-bearing Quaternary gravels, middle Manuherikia Valley, Central Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 56: 154-170. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2013.803984

Craw, D., Mitchell, M., McCann, R. & Reay, A. (2013). Compositional variations and morphological evolution in platinum beach placers, southern New Zealand. Mineralium Deposita 48: 81-97.

Druzbicka, J. & Craw, D. (2013). Evolving metalloid signatures in waters draining from a mined orogenic gold deposit, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry 31: 251-264. DOI:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2013.01.011

Pope, J. (2013). New Zealand coal mine drainage: Downstream chemical evolution and aqueous speciation. 26th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium. The Association of Applied Geochemists, Rotorua, p. 78.


Druzbicka, J. & Craw, D. (2012). Turbidity development and dissipation in paleoplacer gold deposits, southern New Zealand. Environmental Earth Science 68: 1575-1589. DOI: 10.1007/s12665-012-1851-4

Large, R., Thomas, H., Craw, D., Henne, A. & Henderson, S. (2012). Diagenetic pyrite as a source for metals in orogenic gold deposits, Otago schist, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 55: 137-149. DOI:10.1080/00288306.2012.682282


Davies, H., Weber, P., Lindsay, P., Craw, D., Peake, B. & Pope, J. (2011). Geochemical changes during neutralisation of acid mine drainage in a dynamic mountain stream, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry, v. 26, p. 2121-2133.

Davies, H., Weber, P., Lindsay, P., Craw, D. & Pope, J. (2011). Characterisation of acid mine drainage in a high rainfall mountain environment, New Zealand. Science of the Total Environment, v. 409, p. 2971-2980.

Druzbicka, J. & Craw, D. (2011). Experimental turbidity evaluation of Central Otago paleoplacer gold deposits. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference, Queenstown. Pp. 93–103.

Pope, J., MacKenzie, A. & Weber, P. (2011). Geology, geochemistry and hydrogeology of coal mine impacted catchment, West Coast, South Island, New Zealand. 25th IAGS, Rovaniemi.

Pope, J., Rait, R., Newman, N., Hay, S., Rogers, M. & McCracken, L. (2011). Geochemical studies of waste rock at the proposed Escarpment open cast mine, Denniston Plateau, West Coast. AusIMM New Zealand Branch Conference 2011, Queenstown, pp. 369-380.

Stein, J., Craw, D. & Pope, J. (2011). Initial sedimentation and subsequent diagenesis in the Eastern Southland Lignite Basin, southern New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 54, p. 167-180. DOI:10.1080/00288306.2010.515599

Special edition of the New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics. 53, Nos 2_3, June_September 2010

Pope, J. (2010). Current New Zealand mine drainage research. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, Vol. 53, Nos. 2_3, June_September 2010, 89. [Introduction]

Haffert, L. & Craw, D. (2010). Geochemical processes influencing arsenic mobility at Bullendale historic gold mine, Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics. 53: 129-142. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2010.498785

Haffert, L., Craw, D. & Pope, J.(2010). Climatic and compositional controls on secondary arsenic mineral formation in high-arsenic mine wastes, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 53: 2&3, 91-101. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2010.498403

Holley, E.A., Craw, D. & Kim, J.P. (2010). Natural and mine-related mercury in an orogenic greywacke terrane, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology & Geophysics 53: 103-114. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2010.498784

Pope, J., Newman, N., Craw, D., Trumm, D. & Rait, R. (2010). Factors that influence coal mine drainage chemistry West Coast, South Island, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 53: 2, 115-128.

Pope, J., Weber, P., Mackenzie, A., Newman, N. & Rait, R.(2010). Correlation of acid base accounting characteristics with the Geology of commonly mined coal measures, West Coast and Southland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 53: 2, 153-166. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2010.498404

Other 2010 papers:

Craw, D. (2010). Delayed accumulation of placers during exhumation of orogenic gold in southern New Zealand. Ore Geology Reviews 37: 224-235.

Haffert, L., Sander, S.G., Hunter, K.A. & Craw, D. (2010). Evidence for arsenic-driven redox chemistry in a wetland system: a field voltammetric study. Environmental Chemistry 7: 386-397. DOI: 10.1071/EN10019

Rait, R., Trumm, D., Pope, J., Craw, D., Newman, N. & MacKenzie, H. (2010). Adsorption of arsenic by iron rich precipitates from two coal mine drainage sites on the West Coast of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 53: 2, 177-193: DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2010.500320


Haffert, L. & Craw, D. (2009). Field quantification and characterisation of extreme arsenic concentrations at a historic mine processing site, Waiuta, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 52: 3, 261-272. DOI: 10.1080/00288300909509890

Milham, L. & Craw, D. (2009). Antimony mobilization through two contrasting gold ore processing systems, New Zealand. Mine Water and Environment 28: 136-145. DOI: 10.1007/s10230-009-0071-y

Mine Drainage Management Fact Sheet Series

Fact Sheet 2: Predicting the effects of coal mines on aquatic environments (PDF 282KB)


Craw, D., Mulliner, T., Haffert, L., Paulsen, H.K., Peake, B. & Pope, J. (2008). Stratigraphic controls on water quality at coal mines in southern New Zealand. In: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 51, p. 59-72.

Haffert, L. & Craw, D. (2008). Mineralogical controls on environmental mobility of arsenic from historic mine processing residues, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry 23 (2008) 1467–1483.

Haffert, L. & Craw, D. (2008). Processes of attenuation of dissolved arsenic downstream from historic gold mine sites, New Zealand. Science of the Total Environment 405 (2008) 286 – 300.


Begbie, M., Craw, D., Rufaut, C. & Martin, C.E. (2007). Temporal and spatial variability of acid rock drainage in a rehabilitated coal mine, Wangaloa, South Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 50: 227–238.

Craw, D., Rufaut, C., Haffert, L. & Paterson, L. (2007). Plant colonization and arsenic uptake on high arsenic mine wastes, New Zealand. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 179, 1, pp. 351-364. Springer Netherlands.

Craw, D., Rufaut, C.G., Hammitt, S., Clearwater, S. & Smith, C.M. (2007). Geological controls on natural ecosystem recovery on mine waste in southern New Zealand. Environmental Geology 51: 1389-1400. DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0436-5

Hughes, J. Craw, D., Peake, B., Lindsay, P. & Weber, P. (2007). Environmental characterisation of coal mine waste rock in the field: an example from New Zealand. Environmental Geology. 52, 8, pp. 1501-1509. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.

McComb, K.A., Craw, D. & McQuillan, A.J. (2007). ATR-IR spectroscopic study of antimonate adsorption to iron oxide. Langmuir 23: 12125-12130. DOI: 10.1021/la7012667


Ashley, P.M., Craw, D., Tighe, M.K. & Wilson, N.J. (2006). Magnitudes, spatial scales and processes of environmental antimony mobility from orogenic gold-antimony mineral deposits, Australasia. Environmental Geology 51: 499-508. DOI: 10.1007/s00254-006-0346-6

Craw, D., Rufaut, C. G., Haffert, L. & Todd, A. (2006). Mobilisation and attenuation of boron during coal mine rehabilitation, Wangaloa, New Zealand. Science of the Total Environment 368 (2006) 444–455.

Falconer, D.M., Craw, D., Youngson, J.H. & Faure, K. (2006). Gold and sulphide minerals in Tertiary quartz pebble conglomerate gold placers, Southland, New Zealand. Ore Geology Reviews 28: 4, Special Issue: Placer formation and placer minerals. Els, B.G. & Eriksson, P.G. (eds). Pp. 525-545. DOI:10.1016/j.oregeorev.2005.03.009

Haffert, L., Craw, D. & Pope, J. (2006). Quantification and controls on As distribution in Westland, New Zealand. In: Mining within the community: p. 10. Proceedings, AusIMM New Zealand Branch Annual Conference: Waihi.

Mulliner, T., Craw, D., Pope, J. & Peake, B. (2006). Pit lake water quality in Southland's coal deposits. AUSIMM Annual Conference, p. 10. Waihi:AUSIMM.

Pope, J., Newman, N. & Craw, D. (2006). Controls on acid mine drainage chemistry. In: Geosciences '06 Our Planet, Our Future. Palmerston North:Geological Society of New Zealand, Abstract.


Black, A., Trumm, D. & Lindsay, P. (2005). Impacts of coal mining on water quality and metal mobilization: case studies from West Coast and Otago. In: Metal contaminants in New Zealand, sources, treatments, and effects on ecology and human health. Moore, T.A., Black, A., Centeno, J.A., Harding, J.S. & Trumm, D.A. (eds). Christchurch, Resolutionz Press. Pp. 247-260. Link not currently available, please contact for a copy of the paper.

Brown, J., Sander, S., Craw, D. & Hunter, K. (2005). Measurement of labile metals in acid rock drainage springs, New Zealand: Field application of anodic stripping voltammetry. Applied Geochemistry 20: 1533-1545. DOI:10.1016/j.apgeochem.2005.04.014

Craw, D. (2005). Potential anthropogenic mobilization of mercury and arsenic from soils on mineralized rocks, Northland, New Zealand. Journal of Environmental Management 74: 283-292.

Haffert, L. & Craw, D. (2005). Dissolution and attenuation of arsenic at an historic quartz vein-hosted gold mine, Waiuta, New Zealand. New Zealand Geochemical Group: Orakeikorako Geothermal Resort, Abstract.

Hewlett, L., Craw, D. & Black, A .(2005). Comparison of arsenic and trace metal contents of discharges from adjacent coal and gold mines, Reefton, New Zealand. Marine and Freshwater Research 56: 983-995.


Barker, S.L.L., Kim, J.P., Craw, D., Frew, R.D. & Hunter, K.A. (2004). Processes affecting the chemical composition of Blue Lake, an alluvial gold-mine pit lake in New Zealand. Marine and Freshwater Research 55:2, pp. 201-211. DOI: 10.1071/MF03174

Craw, D., Wilson, N. & Ashley, P.M. (2004). Geochemical controls on the environmental mobility of Sb and As at mesothermal antimony and gold deposits. Applied Earth Sciences 113: 1 , pp. 3-10. DOI: 10.1179/037174504225004538

Wilson, N.J., Craw, D. & Hunter, K.A. (2004). Antimony distribution and environmental mobility at an historic antimony smelter site, New Zealand. Environmental Pollution 129: 257-266. DOI:10.1016/j.envpol.2003.10.014

Wilson, N.J., Craw, D. & Hunter, K. (2004). Contributions of discharges from a historic antimony mine to metalloid content of river waters, Marlborough, New Zealand. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 84: 3, pp. 127-139.


Ashley, P.M., Craw, D., Graham, B.P. & Chappell, D.A. (2003). Environmental mobility of antimony around mesothermal stibnite deposits, New South Wales, Australia and southern New Zealand. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 77: 1-14.

Craw, D. (2003). Geochemical changes in mine tailings during a transition to pressure–oxidation process discharge, Macraes Mine, New Zealand. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 80: 81-94.

Craw, D., Falconer, D. & Youngson, J.H. (2003). Environmental arsenopyrite stability and dissolution: theory, experiment, and field observations. Chemical Geology 199: 71-82.


Chappell, D.A. & Craw, D. (2002). Geological analogue for circumneutral pH mine tailings: implications for long-term storage, Macraes Mine, Otago, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry 17: 8, pp. 1105-1114.

Craw, D., Chappell, D. & Black, A. (2002). Surface run-off from mineralized road aggregate, Puhipuhi, Northland, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 36: 1, pp. 105-116.

Craw, D., Koons, P.O. & Chappell, DA (2002). Arsenic distribution during formation and capping of an oxidized sulphidic minesoil, Macraes mine, New Zealand. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 76: 1, pp. 13-29.

Roddick-Lanzilotta, A.J., McQuillan, A.J. & Craw, D. (2002). Infrared spectroscopic characterisation of arsenate(V) ion adsorption from mine waters, Macraes Mine, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry 17: 4, pp. 445-454.


Craw, D. & Chappell, D.A. (2000). Metal redistribution in historic mine wastes, Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 43:2, pp. 187-198. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2000.9514880

Craw, D., Chappell, D. & Reay, A. (2000). Environmental mercury and arsenic sources in fossil hydrothermal systems, Northland, New Zealand. Environmental Geology 39: 8, pp. 875-887.

Craw, D., Chappell, D., Reay, A. & Walls, D. (2000). Mobilisation and attenuation of arsenic around gold mines, east Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics 43: 3, pp. 373-383. DOI: 10.1080/00288306.2000.9514894

Craw, D. & Nelson, M. (2000). Geochemical signatures of discharge waters, Macraes mine flotation tailings, east Otago, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 34: pp. 597-613. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2000.9516961


Craw, D., Chappell, D., Nelson, M. & Walrond, M. (1999). Consolidation and incipient oxidation of alkaline arsenopyrite-bearing mine tailings, Macraes Mine, New Zealand. Applied Geochemistry 14: 485-498.